
Knowing some basic gestures greatly improves your user experience and productivity.


The secondary mouse button (right-click) offers convenient access to may operations and contextual menus. Synfire makes extensive use of this. Point the mouse at any object and open a menu with options and commands with a right-click on it.

Tipp: You can explore many available actions by right-clicking on an object.

For whatever design reasons, Apple discourages the use of the secondary mouse button. It can be enabled in System Preferences. We strongly recommend you do so when working with Synfire. Alternatively you can simulate a right-click by holding down the Control key while you click on an object.


Throughout the user interface of Synfire, a double-click on something often means to look deeper into its details or get out of a detailed view again.

For example, a double-click on a Parameter View in an arrangement opens the more detailed Phrase Editor. Another double-click into the slack area of its Parameter View jumps you back to the arrange view. The same holds true for Containers in the Structure View and their counterparts on the Overview page.

A double-click is also available for executing a command from the toolbar. For example, a double-click on a note length quantizes the current selection to that grid. A double-click on a Figure Symbol type applies that type to the current selection, and so forth.