
Cognitone provides a collection of Device Descriptions that you can download from inside Synfire. On the tab Repository, you have access to this database.

The database allows all users to upload their devices and share them. Ask others if they possibly have a device description you need and whether they would upload it. Upload descriptions yourself that you think could be useful for others. Doing so will grow the collection quickly to benefit all users.

Search And Download

You can browse the repository by different criteria. Use the drop-down menus on top of the list for this. Enter the name of a plug-in, manufacturer or model into the search field to look for matching descriptions. After downloading a description, it is saved to your list of global device descriptions.

This is how you quickly find a description for a particular plug-in:

  1. On the Rack tab, select the rack module that is loaded with the plug-in you need a description for.
  2. Now switch to the Repository tab. A search for the plug-in is run and potentially suitable descriptions will show up on the list.


First check if the description is labeled correctly and populated with sounds to an extent that makes it useful. It need not be finished, but should at least include enough information for others to eventually complete it. If necessary, Synfire will show you a warning message with potential sources of errors before you upload.

Use the comments fields of the description to tell others which data is already included and what's still missing. Others may want to complete your description and upload an updated version.

If you are uploading a description for a plug-in, you should associate it with a plug-in instance with Options > Associate With Plug-in.... This is not necessary, if the description was originally extracted from a plug-in. Without this association, others users will have problems finding the description. Manufacturer and Model are critical for a successful search.

Finally, with Options > Upload to Repository you can submit the description to the database.

If you upload the same description again later on, it will replace your previous upload. Other users will see an indicator showing them there is a newer version available for a description they already downloaded.

Tipp: If you see descriptions that are seemingly incomplete, do not hesitate to download and edit them. If you have a better or more complete description, upload it. You will never overwrite an already existing description in the database. Multiple versions of the same device can coexist.