Editing Parameters

In the Parameter View you can edit parameter data in detail. Where parameter data is shown in gray, it is inherited or shows for additional background information. If you want to edit inherited data, make a Snapshot, or edit it in the original container.

Manipulating Selections

All commands you call from a menu or the keyboard are applied to the entire parameter, unless a Selection is established. Use the tools listed below to make a selection. Click on a selection again to undo it.

Span Selection: Extend a selection by holding down Shift and clicking at the target position.
Drag at the edges to stretch or compress its content in any direction. If you want content to the right of a selection to make room while you stretch it, or close the resulting gap while you shrink it, hold down Control.
Move or transpose the selection with the Arrow Keys. The current Grid applies. The Left and Right arrow keys scroll the selected content around. If only a single position is selected (vertical bar), the object will move along with it.
Chord Selection: Select and manipulate chords in a Harmony parameter.
Pointer Selection: With the arrow keys, you can move and transpose it.
Drag a lasso rectangle to select multiple objects, or extend a selection by holding down Control while you click on additional objects.
Transpose or move the selection with the Arrow Keys. Hold down Shift for finer steps.
Symbol Selection: Move, transpose, stretch and delete the selection.
Drag a lasso rectangle to select multiple symbols, or extend a selection by holding down Control while you click on additional symbols.
Transpose or move the selection with the Arrow Keys. Hold down Shift for finer steps.

Edit Menu

Several commands can be called from the Edit menu when the Parameter View has input focus.

Cut, Copy, Paste, Duplicate, Clear
Does as the name implies with the current selection.
Paste Rhythm

Transfer the (implied) Step of the object currently on the clipboard to the selection or entire parameter. This repositions selected objects in sequential order. Unless an actual Step parameter is on the clipboard, the steps inserted here are derived from the positions of objects in a parameter.

Paste And Merge

Paste additional data (at the selected position) without overwriting existing data. Works for polyphonic parameters only.

Group, Ungroup
Makes a new Figure segment from all selected symbols or segments, or separates all symbols of the selected segment respectively.
Splits a Figure segment at the selected symbol.
Tipp: Transfer the rhythm of one segment to another: Select a segment or a span on the time axis and copy it. Then Edit > Paste Rhythm to apply.
Tipp: Change the rhythm of a chord progression: Copy a span of the progression that represents the desired rhythm and Edit > Paste Rhythm to apply it to the entire progression.

Parameter Menu

Insert Snapshot Of Parameter
Inserts a physical copy of an inherited parameter so you can modify it.
Insert Template ...
Pick preset parameter data from a menu.
Save Template ...
Save current parameter data as a template for later reuse.
Extract From MIDI Output
Looks at the actual MIDI output and extracts the current parameter so you can edit it.
Save To Figure
Applies the parameter to the Figure and clears it after that.
Extract From Figure
Looks at the Figure and extracts the current parameter so you can edit it.

Parameters are looped by default, that is they repeat until the end of the container. If you disable this withParameter > Repeat, the parameter won't supply any more values beyond its length. For some fundamental parameters like Figure, this means no more notes will be generated.


With Parameter > Interpolation you can determine which values a parameter delivers at positions where it has no data.

  1. Recent: Deliver the most recent value until the next value occurs.

  2. Snap: Deliver the value that is nearest to the position being asked for.

  3. Linear: Interpolated continuously from one value to the next.

  4. Dithered: Increase the random probability of delivering the next value the closer we get to it.

  5. Sequential: Deliver the next value every time. Position is completely ignored. Once all values are delivered, continue from the beginning. Allows for interesting effects with algorithmic music.

  6. Hits: Deliver a value only at its exact position. Anywhere in between the value is undefined (same as if the parameter is not looped and has reached its end).

Anmerkung: This feature is available with the Express and Pro editions.

Transform Menu

Which commands are available on the Transform menu depends on the type of parameter currently selected. There are additional commands specifically for the Figure parameter and special commands for the Harmony parameter.

Emphasize light or heavy beats by different amounts.
Reverse the selection as if it were played backwards ("tape reverse").
Reverse Preserving Rhythm
Reverse the sequence of values while retaining steps and lengths. For example, you may duplicate a melody and reverse it this way to have both melodies play opposite pitches following the same rhythm.
Flip the selection upside down.
Invert Up/Down
Inverts chord segments upwards or downwards.
Stretch Parameter
Lengthen or shorten the entire parameter by a set amount.
Snap positions and lengths of objects to the current Grid.
Clip Lengths
Snap lengths of objects to the length suggested by the current Grid, or keep them if they are already shorter.
Scan the current selection using the current Grid and rebuild it with interpolated values computed at those positions.
Reduce a parameter to a only single value at any time.
Drop Repetitions
Drop repeated occurrences of the same value.
Drop Redundancy
Drop values that are unnecessary in light of the current Interpolation.

Resizing a Parameter

Drag at the resizing handle > to alter the length of a parameter. If you shorten a parameter, data beyond its end will not be deleted, although you may no longer see it.