Live Chord Detection

Synfire can detect chords from live MIDI input. It makes Synfire double as an intelligent accompaniment machine. The detected harmonic context shows up in Palettes, Keyboard Widgets and the Circle of Fifths.

Enable Live Detection

  1. Make sure Synfire is receiving input from your MIDI keyboard.

  2. Go to the Progression or Palette tab.

  3. Make the Keyboard Widget visible.

  4. Enable MIDI Input.

  5. Enable Live Chord Detection.

  6. Play chords on your external MIDI keyboard.

How It Works

A new chord is detected based on the keys you hold on the keyboard. The current key setting helps narrow down the search to plausible candidates.

  1. At least three (3) notes pressed at the same time trigger a chord detection.

  2. The lowest note is considered bass. It helps to play it at least an octave below the other notes.

  3. Members of the current key and palette are preferred over more remote candidates.

  4. Detected chords not yet visible in the palette will be added.

Anmerkung: If a global Keyboard Split is set, only keys below the split are considered for chord detection. Keys above the split are reserved for playing an accompanying melody.
Tipp: Use your left hand for suggesting a root note and the right hand for suggesting a chord type.
Tipp: Live input can be recorded to a progression.