- Rhythmic Bass
Flow: Generate articulations typical for acoustic bass
- Metric Stops
Flow: Generate stops and other flow values based on beat zones
- Rhythmic Chords
Flow: Modulates note length based on time signature
- Static
Flow: Provides a constant flow value
- Functional
Harmony: Generate random chord progressions based on functional relationships and popular cadences.
- Chord Machine
Harmony: Generate random progressions unfolding along a probabilistic chord network
- Stray Chords
Harmony: Extensive factory for chord progressions
- Metric Pauses
Pause: Drop notes based on rhythmical positions
- Alternating
Skip: Skip positions of the Step parameter based on rhythmical positions
- Coordinated
Skip: Provides three coordinated parameters
- Bass One
Step: Generate steps based on patterns typical for acoustic bass
- Random (Flat)
Step: Generate random steps
- Sequencer
Step: Provide a sequence of incremental steps manually
- Random (Structured)
Step: Generate steps with structure and self-similarity
- Syncopes
Step: Generate steps with all on-beats removed
- Metric Velocities
Velocity: Generate curves based on time signature
- Static Velocity
Velocity: Provide a constant velocity