Documentation of KIM Factories
List of line factories
Strummed guitar chords
List of common elements
List of parameter factories
Bass lines based on three separate sets of heads and tails
Bass lines based on a single set of heads and tails
Bass lines typical for piano left hand
Generate broken-up arpeggio chords
Chord stabs for piano and other keyboards
Configurable arpeggiator with many options for rhythm, pauses and dynamics
Sequentially chained melodic elements
Melodies based on a single set of heads and tails
Melodies based on multiple sets of heads and tails
Melodies typical for piano right hand
Interleaved melodies following the question and answer idiom
Generates longer melodies that evolve over time.
Generates melodies useful for vocals.
List of phrase factories
Configurable factory for strumming guitar chords.