Display Options
On the
and menus, you have several options to customize what is displayed on screen.View Menu
- Parameter Trace
- Indicates with green rulers in the Structure View which containers provide the currently selected parameter for the currently selected instrument. This helps you quickly spot all places where a parameter takes effect and where it is (temporarily) overshadowed by another container.
- Parameter Hints
- Adds explanatory text to the track sheet that helps understand where a parameter comes from, why it possibly doesn't show up, or why it looks the way it does.
- Global Parameter Shadow
- Adds a dimmed display of inherited parameter data to the background, so you understand what is happening even when the parameter is not physically present in the current container. This slows down the display a bit but can be very helpful.
- Looped Parameter Values
- Rolls out looped data until the end of the current container, so you can see how it unfolds along other parameters and the grid. This is always enabled for Figure, because segments often overlap and you need to know how the next loop merges into the previous one.
- Centered Symbols
- Makes Figure symbols look more like square note heads rather than flat MIDI notes. If you are used to working with notation programs, this might be more intuitive. Disable this when you need to position and quantize symbols with maximum precision.
- Articulations
- Adds the names of articulations to a Figure display.
- Grid
- Shows the currently selected grid as an overlay on a Parameter View. This is useful when you want to understand the implications of combined or irregular quantization grids.
Playback Menu
- Scroll Views With Playhead
- Scroll views such that they are following the current playback position.
- Follow Parameter Trace
- Select the container that provides the currently selected parameter for the currently selected instrument at the moment of playback.