
With the Length parameter, you can override (replace) the note lengths of a figure.


The parameter is Polyphonic. It can contain multiple values at the same position.

The parameter can be edited in Hyper Edit mode.

Using the fader (slider) on the Parameter Inspector sets a particular value for the entire duration of the container (constant). If you want to continuously automate this parameter, you need to draw values in the Parameter View.


Drop any parameter with a curve-like shape. The form is preserved as far as possible and values are scaled into range.

Drop a Figure, Take or Output to extract this parameter and insert it here.

Drag this outlet to grab the lengths of the current Figure symbols and drop them somewhere else.

Instead of drag and drop, you can also use copy and paste.

The parameter can be extracted from the current Figure with right-click menu or Parameter > Extract From Figure.

The parameter can be applied to the current Figure with the right-click menu or Parameter > Save To Figure, which will permanently alter the figure and clear the parameter when done.

Right-click and Extract From MIDI Output to insert what can be derived from the current output.

CAUTION: Length is now deprecated in favor of Flow, because absolute lengths do not translate well to different phrases.
Note: This feature is available with the Express and Pro editions.