Container Properties

A meaningful and short name. Anything that suits your purpose will do.
Assign a color to the container.
Length of the container in terms of its own time signature (Scheme).
Position where the container starts, in terms of the parent container's time signature (Scheme). Allows for any duration expression, e.g. 6m+3/4. A special syntax applies.
Deactivate a container to exclude it from rendering entirely. Great for A/B testing. Aliases may be activated or deactivated independently of their original.
Keep Child Containers In a Row
Forces all children into a line without gaps, no matter how you resize or reorder them. Intended to maintain a flat song structure with successive parts.
Prefer Orchestral Interpretations
If enabled, auto-detecting Interpretation will prefer presets meant for orchestral instruments.
Any hints or documentation that helps other users understand your intentions or that supports your workflow.